Date Palm Seeds

  Yesterday I planted Date Palm seeds. They have soaked in water for two days.I put each one into a separate pot in potting soil.Placed them on the heat mat set 85 degrees.Covered them with a small piece of glass to keep the moisture in.We’ll see what happens.

I also divided one of my Majesty Palms.I have several that have more than one in a pot and they look very crowded.I really didn’t know how they would respond to being divided so,I think I will just do one pot for now and see how they do.If after a week or two they look alright,then I’ll do the rest.

Have been treating the plants under the lights for Fungus Knats for the last two weeks.One more treatment this friday, and they should be done.The don’t seem to be any flying around.

Well,I also found out 2 days ago that the boys here at the church are going to set me up another string of growlights.ALRIGHT!!They want me to grow more of the plants for the yard from seed.OK,I can do that.

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